Simon Goddard: Mozipedia: The Encyclopedia Of Morrissey And The Smiths

Simon Goddard: Mozipedia: The Encyclopedia Of Morrissey And The Smiths



Steven Patrick Morrissey is one of the most original and controversial voices in the history of popular music. With The Smiths, he led the most influential British Guitar group of the 1980s, his enigmatic wit and style defining a generation. As a solo artist, he has continued...

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Steven Patrick Morrissey is one of the most original and controversial voices in the history of popular music. With The Smiths, he led the most influential British Guitar group of the 1980s, his enigmatic wit and style defining a generation. As a solo artist, he has continued to broach subjects no other singer would dare. Worshipped by some, vilified by others, Morrissey is a unique rock and roll creation. The 300,000 words of " Mozipedia " make this the most intimate and in-depth biographical portrait of the man and his music yet. Bringing together every song, album, collaborator, key location, every hero, book, film and record to have influenced his art, it is the summation of years of meticulous research. Morrissey authority Simon Goddard has interviewed almost everybody of any importance, making " Mozipedia " the last word on Morrissey and The Smiths.
Format Biography
NumberOfPages 532
Media Book(softcover, stapled)
Publisher The Book Service Ltd.
Contributors Goddard, Simon (Author)
Language English
ISBN 9780091927103