Louis Durey: Le Bestiaire

Louis Durey: Le Bestiaire



Durey?s song-cycle (written for voice and piano or thirteen instruments) is made up of 25 individual songs, each to a text by Guillaume Apollinaire and each very short. Most take just a page or two of music, and contain just a line or two of verse. The concept of the work is...

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Durey?s song-cycle (written for voice and piano or thirteen instruments) is made up of 25 individual songs, each to a text by Guillaume Apollinaire and each very short. Most take just a page or two of music, and contain just a line or two of verse. The concept of the work is nearly identical to that of Camille Saint-Saens? Carnival of the Animals: each song of Le Bestiare describes an individual animal.
Le Bestiaire
Arrangement Piano Accompaniment, Voice
Genres Post-1900
Year of publishing 2002-09-23 00:00:00
Format Instrumental Work
NumberOfPages 40
Media Sheet Music
Publisher Chester Music
Contributors Durey, Louis (Composer)
Language English